Baseball In Space: How Far Could You Throw It?

By Larissa C

The distance that a baseball can be thrown on another planet depends on a number of factors, including the planet’s gravity, atmospheric conditions, and the strength and skill of the person throwing the ball.

Source: @cazault/Unsplash

For example, on Mars, which has a weaker gravitational pull than Earth, a baseball could be thrown much farther than on Earth. According to NASA, a baseball thrown with the same force as a human pitcher on Earth would travel about 30% farther on Mars due to the planet’s weaker gravity.

However, atmospheric conditions on other planets could also have an impact on how far a baseball could be thrown. For example, on Venus, which has a thick, hot atmosphere, the drag on a baseball would be much greater than on Earth, reducing the distance that the ball could be thrown.

Additionally, the strength and skill of the person throwing the ball would also play a role in how far it could be thrown on another planet. The weaker gravity on Mars might allow for longer throws, but if the person throwing the ball lacks the strength or technique to throw it with force, the ball may not travel very far.

Source: @steshkawillems/Pexels

Overall, the distance that a baseball could be thrown on another planet is difficult to predict with certainty. Factors such as gravity, atmospheric conditions, and the strength of the thrower would all play a role in determining how far the ball could travel. Nonetheless, the differences in gravitational pull and atmospheric conditions on other planets provide an interesting hypothetical for fans of both baseball and astronomy.